and Metalware Collection
Home to a World-Famous Collection and Silversmith’s Workshop
The Henry Needham Flynt Silver and Metalware Collection is generally recognized as one of the top ten collections of American silver worldwide. The core collection of 92 pieces of American silver purchased in England by the Flynts in 1954 has grown to more than 4,000 pieces of American and English silver in a variety of forms from punch bowls to pepper pots. Of special interest is the communion silver of the First Church of Deerfield, the First Churches of Northampton, and the First Church of Sunderland, Massachusetts. The Deerfield church silver, featuring pieces by Jacob Hurd, Paul Revere, and Samuel Edwards, provides a window into the theological beliefs and liturgical practices of one Puritan town over its first century and a half of existence. The building also features a silversmith’s workshop with many traditional tools, and a room devoted to pewter and other metalwares made and used in early America.

Daniel Christian Fueter (1720-1785). Silver, Lead Glass. New York, New York, 1754-1765. 61.273.

Garritt Onckelbag (1670-1731). Silver. New York, New York, 1691-1713. Gift of Mrs. Helen Geier Flynt. 75.450.