The Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife
2025 Dublin Seminar – Recalling the Revolution in New England
The Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife (founded in 1976) will hold its 2025 gathering, Recalling the Revolution in New England, at Historic Deerfield on June 27–28, 2025.
Seminar Proceedings, exhibition catalogues, and occasional publications generated by conferences held from 1976 through 2007 are available for purchase through Historic Deerfield’s Museum Gift Shop and Bookstore.
Click here to purchase Dublin Seminar publications.
1976 Puritan Gravestone Art
1977 New England Historical Archaeology
1978 Puritan Gravestone Art II
1979 New England Meeting House and Church
1980 New England Prospect: Maps, Place Names, and the Historical Landscape
1981 The Bay and the River
1982 Foodways in the Northeast
1983 American Speech: 1600 to the Present
1984 Itinerancy in New England and New York
1985 Families and Children
1986 The Farm
1987 Early American Inventories
1988 House and Home
1989 New England/New France
1990 Medicine and Healing
1991 Algonkians of New England
1992 Wonders of the Invisible World
1993 New England’s Creatures: 1400‒1900
1994 Painting and Portrait Making in the American Northeast
1995 Plants and People
1996 New England Music
1997 Textiles in Early New England: Design, Production, and Consumption
1998 Rural New England Furniture: People, Place, and Production
1999 Textiles in New England II: Four Centuries of Material Life
2000 New England Celebrates: Spectacle, Commemoration, and Festivity
2001 Women’s Work in New England, 1620‒1920
2002 The Worlds of Children, 1620‒1920
2003 Slavery/Antislavery in New England
2004 New England Collections and Collectors
2005 Life on the Streets and Commons
2006 New England Diaries 1: Diary Diversity, Coming of Age
2007 New England Diaries 2: Neighborhoods, War, Travel, and History
2008 New England and the Caribbean
2009 Waterways and Byways, 1600‒1890
2010 Dressing New England: Clothing, Fashion, and Identity
2011 New England and the Civil War
2012 The Irish in New England
2013 Foodways in the Northeast II: A Second Helping
2014 Let the Games Begin: Sports and Recreation in New England
2015 Schooldays in New England: 1650-1900
2016 New England at Sea: Maritime Memory and Material Culture
2017 Small World: Toys, Dolls and Games in New England
2018 Religious Spaces: Our Vanishing Landmarks
2019 Entertainments at Taverns and Long Rooms in New England, 1700-1900
2021 Living with Disabilities in New England, 1630-1930
2022 Tools and Toolmaking in New England
2023 Indigenous Histories in New England: Pastkeepers and Pastkeeping
2024 Into the Woods: New England Forests in Fact and Imagination

A special thank you to our sponsors!
American Antiquarian Society
Amherst College Library
Boston University American and New England Studies Program
Smith College Department of History
University of Massachusetts Department of History
University of Massachusetts Public History Program