Hearth Cooking Demonstration: Cooking with Herbs
May 10, 17, 24 & June 7, 14, 21, 28
Come and learn about the use of herbs in cooking that were used add flavor and freshness to seasonal dishes.
Historic Trade Demonstration: Stitch and Twist
Join us for dressmaking with Linda Oakley, shoemaking with Peter Oakley, and bobbin lace making with Lynne White.
Historic Trade Demonstration: Buttons and Brooms
Join us for round brooms and cobwebbers with Jennifer Roy and leather buttons and household items with Greg Morin.
Historic Trade Demonstration: Smithy Saturday
Join us for blacksmithing with Rick Martin & friends and gunsmithing with Richard Colton.
Historic Trade Demonstration: Pots and Chairs
Join us for stoneware pottery with Mark Shapiro and chair making with Charles Thompson.
Historic Trade Demonstration: Furniture and Woodworking with Sharon Mehrman
Sharon Mehrman is an artisan woodworker and historian of material culture, historic woodworking trades, tools, and technology.
Basket Workshop with Jennifer Lee
Join Jennifer Lee for a workshop on making bark baskets. She will teach you how to make a basket that you can take home.
Historic Trade Demonstration: Sparkling Silver with Silversmith Steve Smithers
Join us for silversmithing with Steve Smithers.
Historic Trade Demonstration: Redware Pottery with Rick Hamelin
Join us for redware pottery with Rick Hamelin.