Russell Ward Nadeau, 1920-2013

Russ Nadeau was passionate about genealogy, family collections of antiques—particularly clocks—as well as cooking and music. He was born in Webster, Massachusetts, on January 13, 1920, the son of D.J. and Alice (Shumway) Nadeau, and maintained the family home there. This setting became a laboratory for immersion in New England culture as reflected by his family history.
Many important artifacts in all media of decorative arts were bequeathed by Russ Nadeau to Historic Deerfield in 2013 and are displayed here in the Museum’s Attic and in the Sheldon House at the north end of The Street. The most important of them were owned by General Artemas Ward (1727-1800) of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, Major General in the Continental Army and Russ’s ancestor, including the surveying equipment shown here made by Peregrine White (1747-1834) of Woodstock, Connecticut. These artifacts are discussed in American Family Treasures: Decorative Arts from the D.J. and Alice Shumway Nadeau Collection (2005). Please see the links below to view the pages from the publication that illustrate the artifacts in the Historic Deerfield Collection (PDF).
Ceramics | Clocks | Glass | Instruments | Lighting | Looking Glasses | Metals | Misc. Furniture Forms | Seating Furniture | Tables
Historic Deerfield is grateful for Russ Nadeau’s interest and support of the museum over the years and for his generous bequest of objects that now teach the history of New England in a public setting.

American Family Treasures: Decorative Arts from the D.J. and Alice Shumway Nadeau Collection (2005) by Iam M.G. Quimby. Published by the National Heritage Museum, Lexington, Massachusetts.